Gorod Expert
An invention company that designs, installs and maintains security systems for apartment buildings
![Gorod Expert](/bitrix/templates/main/img/blank845x700.png)
Each section is basically an article that tells about the company’s activities. There is a lot of information, «Gorod Expert» shows their economic model, work stages, biographies of the leaders
![Gorod Expert](/bitrix/templates/main/img/blank794x980.png)
![Gorod Expert](/bitrix/templates/main/img/blank1920x1080.png)
History of the house
Any tenant of a house can check the status of the repair for an entry phone, view the history of all tickets on his house or see where the repair service employee is now
Graphic elements
As if hand-drawn icons and illustrations add humanity to the site. It helps users to understand that «Gorod Expert» is a friendly and open company
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